Linux Admin Friend GREP.!

2 min readMay 10, 2023


  1. Search for a specific string in a file:

grep “searchstring” file.txt

3. Search for a string in all files in a directory:

grep -r “searchstring” directory/

4. Search for a string in all files with a certain file extension in a directory:

grep -r “searchstring” directory/*.txt

5. Search for a string in all files in the current directory and its subdirectories:

grep -r “searchstring” .

6. Search for a string in all files except binary files:

grep -r “searchstring” — exclude-binary-files

7. Search for a string in a case-insensitive manner:

grep -i “searchstring” file.txt

8. Search for a string and display the line number:

grep -n “searchstring” file.txt

9. Search for a string and display the surrounding lines:

grep -C 2 “searchstring” file.txt

10. Search for a string and display the number of matches:

grep -c “searchstring” file.txt

11. Search for a string and exclude certain lines:

grep “searchstring” file.txt | grep -v “excludestring”

12. Search for a string and only display the matching portion of the line:

grep -o “searchstring” file.txt

13. Search for a string and only display the file name:

grep -l “searchstring” directory/*

14. Search for a string and only display the file names that do not contain the string:

grep -L “searchstring” directory/*

15. Search for a string and include the file name in the output:

grep -H “searchstring” file.txt

16. Search for a string and exclude certain directories:

grep -r “searchstring” — exclude-dir=directory-to-exclude .

17. Search for a string and display the lines that do not contain the string:

grep -v “searchstring” file.txt

18. Search for a string and display the lines that contain the string and the lines immediately following them:

grep -A 2 “searchstring” file.txt

19. Search for a string and display the lines that contain the string and the lines immediately preceding them:

grep -B 2 “searchstring” file.txt

20. Search for a string in a compressed file:

zgrep “searchstring” file.gz

21. Search for a string in a specific column of a file:

cut -d ‘,’ -f 2 file.txt | grep “searchstring”




Written by Divesh

An Architect, A DevOps Engineer, An Automation master, A Kubernetes Security Specialist and always willing to help because helping others is my favourite task.

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