My CKA Learning Experience

5 min readSep 17, 2024


I experience was just awesome it was embarking on the journey to master Kubernetes for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam has been an enlightening and transformative experience. The initial phase was marked by an intense curiosity and eagerness to understand the intricate mechanics of Kubernetes. I began my learning process by delving into the fundamental components and architecture of Kubernetes, and it quickly became clear how these elements seamlessly interconnect to deliver robust, scalable, and efficient container orchestration.

One of the first things that struck me was the elegance of Kubernetes’ design. The control plane and worker nodes work in concert to manage the lifecycle of containers. The control plane, with its core components

kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, and etcd — plays a pivotal role in managing the overall state of the cluster. Understanding how the API server serves as the gateway to the cluster’s data and how etcd acts as a consistent and highly-available key-value store was instrumental in grasping Kubernetes’ state management capabilities.

Equally fascinating was learning about the worker nodes and their roles in executing the containers. The kubelet, which runs on each node, ensures that containers are running in a Pod as expected, while the container runtime handles the actual execution of containers. The kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes, enabling communication between Pods. The interconnectedness of these components demonstrated how Kubernetes is designed to manage containerized applications efficiently, even under significant load.

A particularly eye-opening realization was the efficiency with which Kubernetes handles large volumes of requests. For instance, I learned that Kubernetes can effectively manage 10 million requests on a system with just 16 CPU cores.

This is achieved through intelligent scheduling and resource management, how? let’s see some of validation which most of us have experienced or must be knowing about it.

A 16-core CPU can certainly handle a higher volume of requests it can handle 10 million requests depends on several factors similar to those mentioned earlier. Here’s a breakdown of how a 16-core CPU might impact performance and request handling:

1. Enhanced Processing Power:

  • Increased Throughput: With 16 cores, the CPU has more processing power and can handle more concurrent tasks. This increased capacity allows for better handling of high-volume traffic and parallel processing, which is crucial for managing a large number of requests.
  • Improved Performance: For applications that are designed to scale horizontally or that can take advantage of multi-threading, a 16-core CPU can provide a significant performance boost, potentially improving the ability to manage 10 million requests.

2. Application Efficiency:

  • Optimization Matters: Even with 16 cores, the efficiency of the application handling the requests is crucial. Well-optimized code and efficient use of resources will maximize the benefit of additional cores. Inefficient applications may still encounter performance issues despite the increased CPU capacity.

3. Kubernetes Overhead:

  • Resource Management: Kubernetes manages resources across the cluster, and while it can utilize the increased cores to distribute workloads more effectively, the overhead introduced by Kubernetes still exists. Proper configuration and resource management remain key to optimal performance.
  • Scalability: Kubernetes’ ability to scale applications horizontally can complement the additional cores. More cores mean more capacity for handling Pods and containers, but Kubernetes will still need to manage these resources efficiently.

4. Load Distribution and Scaling:

  • Horizontal Scaling: With 16 cores, Kubernetes can potentially handle more Pods and distribute the load more effectively across the cluster. Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) and efficient load balancing become more effective with additional CPU resources.
  • Vertical Scaling: For a single node, having more cores allows for better handling of high traffic, but it’s essential to also consider the possibility of scaling out to additional nodes if needed.

5. System Bottlenecks:

  • Other Resources: While a 16-core CPU offers substantial processing power, other system resources such as memory, network bandwidth, and storage I/O also play critical roles. A well-balanced system that ensures ample memory and efficient network and storage access is necessary to handle high traffic effectively.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial to ensure that no other bottlenecks arise. Tools and practices for performance tuning should be employed to fully leverage the additional CPU cores.

6. Real-World Considerations:

  • Testing and Validation: Real-world performance testing is essential to validate that a 16-core CPU can handle 10 million requests. Stress tests and performance benchmarks will provide insights into how well the system performs under load and where potential issues might lie.
  • Application Requirements: Different applications have varying resource requirements. Applications that are highly optimized for multi-core processing will benefit more from a 16-core CPU, whereas less optimized applications might still face challenges.

So to be straight — A 16-core CPU provides a substantial increase in processing power and can enhance the ability to handle high volumes of requests, including up to 10 million, under ideal conditions. However, achieving this performance depends on a combination of factors including application efficiency, system configuration, resource management, and real-world testing. Proper optimization, load distribution, and monitoring are essential to leverage the full potential of a 16-core CPU in managing large-scale request loads effectively.

The kube-scheduler for example, allocates resources based on the current load and resource availability, ensuring optimal performance and scalability. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) dynamically adjusts the number of Pods in response to varying loads, showcasing Kubernetes’ ability to handle fluctuations in demand gracefully.

The journey also involved hands-on practice with Kubernetes. Setting up clusters using Minikube and Kubernetes in the cloud environments, like AWS or GCP, provided practical insights into the deployment, scaling, and management of applications. Implementing Helm for package management and Kubernetes’ security features such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Network Policies deepened my understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in maintaining a secure and well-organized cluster.

Throughout my studies, I utilized a variety of resources, including official Kubernetes documentation, online courses, and community forums. The interactive nature of Kubernetes tutorials and labs allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, reinforcing my learning and preparing me for the CKA exam.

One of the most valuable lessons was learning how to troubleshoot and debug Kubernetes clusters. Understanding common issues, such as Pod failures or network misconfigurations, and knowing how to use tools like kubectl logs, kubectl describe, and the Kubernetes Dashboard, proved essential for effective cluster management.

my experience preparing for the CKA exam has been incredibly rewarding. The comprehensive understanding of Kubernetes’ architecture and its ability to efficiently manage containerized applications on limited resources was both surprising and inspiring. The hands-on practice and exploration of real-world scenarios have equipped me with the skills necessary to not only pass the CKA exam but also to confidently manage and optimize Kubernetes clusters in a professional setting. This learning journey has not only expanded my technical expertise but has also reinforced my appreciation for the powerful capabilities of Kubernetes in the realm of container orchestration.

Certificate ID: LF-ukbk9dv938
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An Architect, A DevOps Engineer, An Automation master, A Kubernetes Security Specialist and always willing to help because helping others is my favourite task.